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Behad Ramzan Dasda Mera Dholan Mahi

Behad Ramzan Dasda Mera Dholan Mahi
(My beloved reveals untold secrets)

ve di??? bhena dus mullah
ouh alif seedha kam khat aaya
o yaar ???
hun des vataa hun ik wat aaya
sohna meem da ghunghat pa ke dekh...
ali haidera pehle ahad si hun ahmad bun ke vad aaya

Speak not of the chaos of the "be", O Mullah!
The straight "alif” has no twists1.
The lover of that single night has given up his land and come again wearing the veil of the beautiful "mim"2.
He has come with locks of hair.
Ali Haider was first Ahad, now he comes again as Ahmad.3

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi

kite shia ey kite sunni ey
kitne jada dhar
kite munni he
kitte pataka beda dasda
bukhabe vich kidre vasda

Sometimes he is a Shia, sometimes a Sunni
Sometimes with long matted hair,
Sometimes shorn bald 4
Sometimes he talks of the ka'ba
Sometimes he lives in the idol house.

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi

aape zahir, aape baatin, aape luk luk pehnda hai
aape mullah, aape qaazi, aape ilm parhenda hai
khat zulnar kufar da gal vich butkhane vich behnda hai
zaaton ashraf yaar ranjhe da layan di laj rakhenda hai
aape lukda, aape dhadsa, aape dhun machenda hai
bullah shah, inaayat menu bal bal darshan denda hai

He is visible, he is unseen, he hides himself
He is the mullah, the qazi, he teaches knowledge
Wearing the infidel amulet he sits in the idol house
Of noble birth, my friend Ranjha keeps the honor of the afflicted 5
He hides, he tells, he spreads rumors
O Bullah, Shah Inayat shows himself to me again and again 6

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi

lung karani dus ke jaani hun kiyoon mukh chupaya hai
mein dholan vich faraq na kayi inna-ma farmaya hai
tan sawan de keere paaye jo jharya so paya hai
mansoor ko lo kuch zahir hoya soli pakar charhaya hai
dasso nuqta zaat ilahi sajda kis karwaya hai
bulleh shah da hukum na manya shaitan khuwar karaya hai

After showing yourself my love, why have you hidden your face? 7
There is no difference between me and the beloved, the Quran says inama 8
You infested Sabir's body with worms and each that fell was replaced 9
Mansur showed a little and you had him executed 10
Tell me, oh God, who had the angels bow to us?
You did not listen to Bulleh Shah's command and made the devil unhappy 11

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi

ik laazim baat adab di hai
sanu baat maloomi sub di hai
her her vich surat rubb di hai
kitte zahir kitte chupdi hai o sohna

There is one essence of knowledge
We know everything about all
The face of God is in everyone
Sometimes visible, sometimes hidden

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi

asi vekh ke surat dilbar di aj besurat nu jaan gaye
bina Ayn arab bina meem Ahmad
assan yaar nu khoob puchan gaye
kitte Toor de purdeh chukda hai
kitte nawa de vich lukda hai
jad ramz puchandi yaaran ne
o sub sadqe qurban gaye

Seeing the face of the beloved, we understand the faceless
An Arab without the "ain ", Ahmad without the "mim" 12
We have recognized our friend
He lifts curtains of light
He hides behind names
When the friends discovered his secret
They sacrificed everything they had

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi

ouh besurat vich surat de bun aap Muhammad aaya hai
rakh saamne sheesha wahdat da
aj Rubb ne yaar sajaya hai
bin surat de Rubb nahi labda
ohdi shakal noorani mukh Rubb da
je ohna hunda na Rubb hunda
Laulakh khuda farmaya hai
eh gal koi yaar khatawi nahi
je khuda ou nahi je juda vi nahi
aape ahmad bun ke hamd karay
te Muhammad naam rakhaya hai

From facelessness, he has come with the face of Muhammad
With the mirror of unity in front of him
God has decorated the friend
God cannot be found without a face
His face is light, the face of God
If he was not there, God would not be
God from heaven has said this
Oh friend, this is not a complaint
If he is not God, he is not separate from him
He becomes Ahmad to praise himself
And names himself Muhammad 13

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi 10:20

aape taalib te matloob aape
aape aap apna mehboob aape
aape apne aap de milne di
tadbeer banayi chaandi ey
jad shor muhabbat ne paya
be-surat surat bun aaya
aape apne hijar vichore di taqreer sunyai jandi ey
aape mud qadeema kalla ey
koi ghair nahi Allah he Allah ey

He is the wanter and the wanted
He is his own lover
He makes plans to meet himself
When love raised a tumult
The faceless one came with a face
He tells us about his own separation
He has been alone since eternity
He is not a stranger. He is Allah

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi

zara bekhud hoke dekh miyaan
jehde basti ey ouh wasda ey
bina gurr kamil nae peth khule
ey kalma koi na dasda ey
besurat surat bun aaya
khud aap muhafiz surat da
khud rooh misaal te jism hoya
aape har har de vich wasda ey
aape qasrat de vich banda ey
ate aahdiyat vich Maula hai
ilm apne da aap aalim hai
kitte aazadi kitte phasda ey
jadu akhiyan dittian musharad ne
her dekheiya her her shaan andar
kitte momin hoke manda hai
kitte kair hoke nasda hai

Lose yourself for a moment and consider
One lives where one has a home
This mystery cannot be solved without perfect learning
No one tells us of this
The faceless becomes one with a face
The guardian of the face
The spirit, the example and the body
He lives in each one
He is humanity in its countless numbers
He is the God in his unity
He is the scholar of his own knowledge
He is free. He is captive
When the teacher gave us eyes
We saw him in everyone in all his glory.
Sometimes he believes as a Muslim
Sometimes he runs away as an unbeliever

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi

Raag 13:50

ki karda ni ki karda dilbar ki karda
ikke ghar vich wasdeah rasdeah
nai hunda vich purdah
dilbar ki karda ki karda ni ki karda dilbar ki karda
vich maseet namaaz guzare
butkhane ja warda
dilbar ki karda ki karda ni ki karda dilbar ki karda
aap ikko kayi lakh gharan de
malik sub ghar ghar da
dilbar ki karda ki karda ni ki karda dilbar ki karda
jit wal dekha ut wal ouh ho
her di sangat karda
dilbar ki karda ki karda ni ki karda dilbar ki karda
Musa te Pheron bana ke
do ho ke kiyoon larda
dilbar ki karda ki karda ni ki karda dilbar ki karda
hazir nazir hertha ouh ho
kehra kis nu kharda
dilbar ki karda ki karda ni ki karda dilbar ki karda
kitte Rumi ey kitte Shani ey
kitte sahib kitte ghulami ey
kitte khasan vich kitte aami ey
ouh aape aap tamami ey ouh sohna

What is my beloved doing, what is he doing? 15
Living together in one house
There should be no secrets between us
He prays in the mosque
He enters the idol house
What is my beloved doing, what is he doing?
He himself is one and has a hundred thousand houses
The master of every house
What is my beloved doing, what is he doing?
Whomever I look to, he is there
He accompanies everyone
What is my beloved doing?
Whomever I look to, he is there
He accompanies everyone
What is my beloved doing, what is he doing?
Creating Moses and the Pharaoh
Why does he become two and fight?
What is my beloved doing, what is he doing?
He is present, he is visible, he is everywhere
Who is taking whom along?
What is my beloved doing, what is he doing?
Sometimes he is Rumi, sometimes Shami 16
Sometimes he is a master, sometimes a slave
Sometimes he is the nobility, sometimes the common folk
He is complete in himself

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Meem Day Ohlay Wasda Ne Dholan Mahi

Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi
Beh Haadh Ramza Dhasdha Mera Dholan Mahi

kun keha fayakum kahaya
bechooni se choon banaya
aahad de vich meem ralaya
hun mei lakhya sohna yaar
jisde husn da garam bazaar
meem de ohle wasda mera dholan mahi

He said "kun" and “fayakun" 18
From nothingness he created existence
Now I see the beautiful friend
Whose beauty has excited the bazaar
He lives under the "mim," my beloved.

wasda meem de ohle mera dholan mahi
wasda meem de ohle mera dholan mahi

pyara pehn pushaka aaya
aadam apna naam daraya
ahad to bun ahmad aaya
nabiyan da sardar

The beloved has come wearing raiments
He calls himself Adam
From Ahad he has become Ahmad 19
The king of the prophets

wasda meem de ohle mera dholan mahi
wasda meem de ohle mera dholan mahi

kaaran preet neet bun aaya
meem da ghunghat mukh te paya
ahad ou ahmad naam dhayara
mera dholan mahi wasda meem de ohle

He has come as the deed, love and desire
Wearing the veil of the "mim" over his face
From Ahad he calls himself Ahmad
He lives under the "mim" my beloved.

mera dholan mahi wasda meem de ohle
mera dholan mahi wasda meem de ohle

aap ahdiyat de vich ahad
aape vich wahdat roop yaar da ey
aape noor wadood shahood aape
aape aap sare roop dhar da eh
oh mehboob aape aape ho aashiq
aape apne touh jind varda eh
o dewaniya meem Muhammadi cho
piya alif aape chamka maarda eh

In unity he became one
In unity is the manifestation of the friend
He is the light, existence and witness
He is all the manifestations
He is the beloved, he is the lover
He gives himself life
Oh, madman 20 from the "mim" of Muhammad
The "Alif” flashes forth.

mera dholan mahi wasda meem de ohle
mera dholan mahi wasda meem de ohle

raag 25:50

karan ki behad tareef usdi
ohta lung behad cho had aaya
hoya bari behad di qaid vicho
aj had de vich behad aaya
bibi aaminah de ghar houn ehda
dekho kufr te shirk da radd aaya

How can I praise him limitlessly?
From infinity he has become finite
Freed from the prison of limits
He has become limitless
There are celebrations in the house of Bibi Aminah 21
See, the negation of unbelief and association has come 22

o deewaniya meem da kund pa ke
surat vich allah hus samad aaya

Oh, madman 23 wearing the veil of "mim"
Allah has shown himself in his face

mera dholan mahi wasda meem de ohle
mera dholan mahi wasda meem de ohle

ahay meem de ohle wasda mera dholan mahi
behad ramza dhasda mera dholan mahi

He lives under the "mim," my beloved
My beloved reveals untold secrets

auliyah shah mansur kahave
ramz anal haqq aap sunave
aape aap nu sooli charhave
kol khaloke hass da mera dholan mahi
behad ramza dhasda mera dholan mahi

He called Mansur the king of Theologians
He made him tell the secret of "I am the Truth"
He had himself executed
And laughed standing by 24
My beloved reveals untold secrets.

behad ramza dhasda mera dholan mahi
behad ramza dhasda mera dholan mahi...

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